We were (and thought you might be) interested in a recent Nielsen study of the social media generation, the ‘me’ generation and even the lazy generation. That's right! The Millennials (aged 18-34 yrs).
The Nielsen Australian Millennials Report reveals that Australian Millennials are "a new powerhouse of consumers who are more educated, connected and demanding than their parents. Almost a third (31%) hold a Bachelor’s degree in comparison to their parents (19%).
"Their lives are in consistent states of transition as they join the workforce, move into new homes and start their own families. Seventy-one percent of Australian Millennials say they put family before their career - challenging the idea that they are a ‘selfish’ group".
Click here for a a nice little Nielsen infographic which helps bust some Millennial myths!
The full Nielsen Australian Millennial Report can be dowloaded here for free.